Sunday, June 14, 2009

Passive Candidates...

“In the end, you’re measured not by how much you undertake but
by what you finally accomplish.” – Donald Trump

Have you heard of the headhunters’ belief that passive candidates
are the ideal choices to fill in job vacancies?

Well, what then is the basis of such belief?

In this article, we talk about the main possible reason why such a
theory came into being.



Again, the central idea here would be that the prospect has been
having constant practice on his field.

Notice the key words… Constant Practice.

Now, we then go back to the primary reason for the said perfect fit
and honestly ask ourselves… Is being “productively employed”
the ONLY way to have “constant practice”?

If “yes” then the story is over. This is like, if leaders are just born
then there’s no more argument. There would even be no need for
leadership workshops or trainings to improve such skills as it’s a
given, we can not improve our craft anymore. That, if it simply
boils down to innate leadership. Therefore, if being productively
is the only way to have constant practice then we could
throw “creativity” out of the window. There would be no need for us
to think out-of-the-box or to constantly seek ways to enhancing
ourselves as we “already” sit on that chair.

How many of you would then agree to such notion? To born leader
and hence, to being “productively employed” as the only way to have
“constant practice” in one’s field?

For those who do, you would surely be met by glaring eyes and
strong resistance brought about by common sense.

Why? Think again.

So now as we see, logic points out that being productively employed
is not the only way to have constant practice in one’s field… in fact,
there’s so many ways, it’s just a matter of being resourceful and

“In every soul there has been deposited the seed of a great future,
but that seed will never germinate, much less grow to maturity,
except through the rendering of useful service.”
- The Law Of Success

What then is the point here? Am I defending the unemployed??
Certainly not. The point is if you, headhunters, want to really
recruit the best… think out-of-the-box. If you really want creative
people, don’t be traditional in your manner of selection but
be creative yourself.

You have to grow past the age wherein the ideal candidate is the
one that fits the glass slippers. Instead, you have to move forward
with your kind of thinking… for no matter what form of technical or
hiring techniques you use, the results would be the same old thing
if the one who made it is still traditional in his thinking.

The better candidate is the one that understands the glass slippers
and could create one himself.

“I am going to build the kind of nation that President Roosevelt
hoped for, President Truman worked for, and President Kennedy
died for.” - Lyndon B. Johnson

The best candidate is not necessarily the passive candidate.
It’s not about the round peg for the round hole. The ideal candidate
you should look out for is the man who has that drive, that inner
strength yet easy-going personality… and that sincerity to serve.

And in case of career transitions, understand that it’s enthusiasm
and high learning ability that should be given that attention as well.

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

For the candidate, it’s all a matter of being given that opportunity.

For the headhunter, it’s all about moving forward and articulating.

For the Leader, it’s just time to accept the origins of Great Talents.

Remember… “Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve
before kings; he will not serve before obscure men.” - Proverbs 22:29

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