Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Mythical Leader...

Mythical Leader. Have you heard of such?

Hmm... actually, there’s so much of that kind that roams in various
organizations… and many more just about to be hired.

Nonetheless, the question is still a question.

What is a Mythical Leader? Well, we could think of him as a leader
who protects the “status quo”; or a leader whom traditional thinkers
believe them to be, which is a round peg for a round hole.

Wait a minute.

Round peg for a round hole?
Isn’t that about getting the right fit for the job opening??
But, but… if we don’t get the right fit then how would he perform?
Wouldn’t he just produce mediocre results? So, why is it then
that a “round peg” is a “mythical leader”?

“It’s counter to human nature, but you have to kill your business
while it’s still working.” - Lewis Platt

Well, well, well… are we forward-thinking or not? Forward Thinking
is about looking from a higher perspective, it’s about looking beyond.
It’s about looking from different angles not just the front, side, and
back; it’s also about the 45° or 225° angle; it’s about the top view
and even what’s under.

For those who are skeptics, forward-thinking is not just about thinking
“different.” Understand that “different” is not always good, at times
it’s ridiculous or absurd.

What about Creativity? Yes, being “creative” is different but without
losing one’s head. It’s like being able to solve the puzzle but without
“destroying” the game or device. Thus, creativity is key to Great

“It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.”
- Leonardo Da Vinci

Now, let us briefly look how the round peg for round hole principle
suppresses just two of the most vital factors to Forward Thinking.

FLEXIBILITY. The RP4RH principle is rigidly structured with no
room to maneuver but up or down, no sides, no angles or what.
Organizations and headhunters just base their recruitments on a
list of stiffly drawn requirements and traditional methods of hiring.

RESOURCEFULNESS. Since flexibility is affected, resourcefulness
is then replaced with “resume browsing” instead of “profile analysis.”
Here, we see recruiters in a bit of a rush to find that RP4RH candidate
and get their job done; otherwise, they painstakingly wait for that
RP4RH candidate like betting to hit the lottery.

What then do we notice with these two suppressed factors?

This makes many HR and recruiters sort of lazy or procrastinators.
Diplomatically, it’s called “playing safe”… unfortunately, without
realizing that they could be stepping on a gold mine.

Haven’t you ever thought that we could shape the square peg round?
Or don’t you think that the “maladjusted” could be that missing link
into making your organization see things beyond your imagination?
Or that he could make various holes to push your company ahead?

“A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.” - Warren Buffet

The answer lies in your ability and courage to see past the paper.

Remember… “If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is
needed but skill will bring success.” - Ecclesiastes 10:10

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