Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Trusted Leader...

As in all human relationships, trust is the most crucial aspect in
determining how far the association will go, on how successful the
venture will be.

But how do we develop that trust? What is its difference from “like”?
Or how can we exactly benefit from trust? And how…
do we properly use “trust”?

“Goodwill is earned by many acts; it can be lost by one.”

See, the hard part with trust is that, it takes a while for us to build it
but it only takes a second to tarnish it.

We can not ignore the fact that to err is human but then, getting
things back the way they used to be is tougher specially those
outside our family circle. Why? This is because of the varying
depths of relationships.

With family, when you “trip”, you would be more easily forgiven
because of the emotional connection brought about by the common
knowledge that the parties concerned are related by blood or marriage.

Whereas in business, things are more stiff since the connection is
basically work or investment related.

Nonetheless, we can not deny the fact that if people “trusts” us,
the power we have strengthens with the responsibilities bestowed
upon it.

“Do you realize the responsibility I carry? I’m the only person
standing between Nixon and the White House.” - John F. Kennedy

Then again, as a Leader, how do we develop that trust?

FIRST, bear in mind that if you can not trust others then you can not
be trusted yourself. This means, you got to learn to let go of the
power string and give people room. This means, you got to learn to
give people opportunities to prove themselves. This means, you got
to learn to give a chance to those who failed and to those who needs
one. This means, you got to learn to respect what they value and to
listen to their needs. This means, you got to learn to be flexible and
empathic yet firm.

And so, this brings us to the SECOND essential to earning that trust;
which is to treat people as our family.

Like what’s mentioned earlier, when you make a mistake with family…
you are more likely to be understood faster and forgiven; you are
more likely to be given another chance because of that emotional
connection, of that blood or marriage tie.

Hence, we now realize that if we treat people as how we would treat
our family then we could easily develop that deeper connection
resulting in greater trust and cooperation which is… vital to success.
This is not about being more subjective, this is about being more
responsible in our actions.

For one…
Would you put your family at risk in your decisions? Wouldn’t you
try to do even better for the sake of your family?
Leaders, readers, this speaks for both parties.

Now, see the significance of “treating people as your family”?

Trust begets trust. And power with trust then makes us more
accountable to our people and organization. Still, for many who
are simply egotistically ambitious, power is subtly abused for selfish
interests. This is a sad and unseen truth; and this happens because
of the underlying errors in traditional appointment, or even hiring.

Yes, we know that trust is key to appointments, to recruitment…
but we can not just be either subjective or objective in human
investments. This is why only True Leaders can spot Real Talents;
only True Leaders are willing to take that chance on the unknown…
for only True Leaders can see beyond; and only True Leaders can
strike the balance between being subjective and being objective
and look for ways to utilize and maximize one’s potentials.

Indeed, trust gives us that Leadership Edge. And no doubt,
trust is earned, but really… it’s just a matter of opportunity and
unprejudicial, undiscriminatory, unbiased and open-minded
treatment to others… personal or business… that wins trust.

Trust just has to be sincerely communicated to build up.

Remember… “So, in everything,
do to others what you would have them do to you…” - Matthew 7:12

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