Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Leading the Godly Way...

If we look at the title alone, some may think that this is about religion… or that we're mixing religion with business… and then would begin to ask themselves, “What does God have to do with leading?”
or… “Isn’t it ‘weakness’ to associate God with human endeavour?”

“If one man gains spiritually, the whole world gains with him,
and if one man fails, the whole world fails to that extent.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi

Now, we are here not to make a sermon; but notice, there has been
no end to scientific studies to prove one thing or another… but only
to start again. It’s not simply about evolution but it’s one proof that
a Supreme Being exists… and Who is the source of everything.

Hence, to associate God with human endeavour is not a “weakness”
but strength in the form of Humility. This is accepting that in spite of
our intelligence… in spite of our experience… in spite of our skills and
abilities… we can not control everything. This is accepting that we
need help to overcome and guidance to do what is right…not just
for ourselves, but for others and for those whom we lead.

“It is impossible to rightly govern the world without the Bible.”
~ George Washington

However, to many, “humility” may seem an odd word because it
implies a cringing self-abasement quite at odds with self-confidence,
even egoism, which marks many leaders. Yet not so, when you
translate it into terms of task, team, and individual.

Think about this…
Humility is equated with “Love,” the most powerful emotion in the
universe. And “love” can be a motivator, an inspiration. So we see,
“humility” in Leadership is a quality only Great leaders possess.

See, “power” corrupts and tends to create greedy, prideful, and
impatient people. This is why leaders need to earn their followers
trust and cooperation.

As in all of history, leaders who were selfish… who worked only for
their personal agenda… who never really cared for others, never
really attained “true” greatness.

We must realize that Leadership is about sharing our vision and
getting the cooperation of others; not by dragging them, but by
pointing at the “star”
… that’s what would make one Great.

“No man can become a Great Leader of men unless he has the milk
of kindness in his own heart, and lead by suggestion and kindness
rather than by force.” - Napoleon Hill

Followers need to know that by following, they would stand to benefit.
As in karma, “what we plant is what we harvest.”
Followers need to know that they are following a Leader who can be
“trusted,” who would listen to them empathically; that they are
following a Leader who upholds justice and integrity; and that they
are following a Leader who would stand up for them specially in
times of need.

“…I have a dream… will not be judged by the color of their skin,
but by the content of their character.”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Leading the Godly Way” is never prejudicial, but puts premium on the welfare of others… on truthful service. Godly Leaders are never
tyrants yet they have the courage to say “no” when matters would
affect the team’s welfare and goals. Such Leaders are concerned
with the growth of their members and gives them credit for it.
S/he is not afraid of responsibility, failure or criticism, but looks

forward to changing the harsh desert into a habitable tundra.

“I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant
of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made
it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining
years of my life in your hands.” - Nelson Mandela

Some leaders might argue, if selfless service is a key strand, are we
then “giving away” our authority?

My charge is… didn’t Nelson Mandela even affirmed his authority by
becoming the next South African president after the elections?

Well, not all leaders deserve their authority as most are either
unjust, self-seeking, or simply scared to use it.
Nonetheless, many
acquire their authority by appointment, though Greater power comes
from having the confidence of your people through your vision…
fuelled by your uprightness, resolution, and compassion.

“Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice.
Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against
love.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

While different cultures view and accept Leadership and Authority
differently, Adaptability, again through humility and wisdom, would
serve you well.

“For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles
himself will be exalted.” - Matthew 23:12

“Leading the Godly Way” is having the temperance in any situation
at any given time. It’s about considering others in your journey while
not losing sight of that “star.” Don’t force your way, but understand

the heart before asking for the hand.

“Think of the poorest person you have ever seen and ask if your
next act will be of any use to him.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Understand, we are all brothers on earth… and we are all in this
together, with hopes and aspirations. So, don’t cut off that hope,
instead help each other to succeed.

Their success is your success, too. WE WILL MAKE IT.

“The Greatest among you will be your Servant.” - Matthew 23:11

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