Friday, March 6, 2009

To Be THAT LEADER... Steer The Company.

As Abraham Lincoln said...

"If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree,
I'd spend 6 hours sharpening my axe."

Here, Abraham Lincoln emphasized the importance of planning,
of imagination, of critical thinking, of analysis, of training...
in short, of doing one's homework before proceeding in any
undertaking. Such is an offspring of having an objective.

So, as to steer a company, if we do not have a master plan,
alternative plans, and contingency plans... this is like walking
blindfolded; and just totally relying on luck.

See, steering a company is like coaching a sports team,
flying a passenger plane, or marshalling an army for battle.

Let's consider a phrase in the most significant book ever written
for Leadership, Sun Tzu's The Art Of War.

"The general who wins a battle makes many calculations
in his temple before the battle is fought."

To steer a company to "victory", you do not just put up a
business and boom! Attack! First... do your homework.

Without knowing what you have; without acquiring or knowing
how to acquire what you need; without understanding the
environment, the trends; without recognizing the value of time;
without getting proper support and forming alliances; without
knowing your competitors and customers; without having better
and motivated people; and without believing in yourself and
your product -- you won't win.

Here are the first four of Eight Keys To Victory...

BATTLEFIELD. Know thyself, thy competitors, and thy customers.

To know thyself, here, we refer to our objectives and products.
With objectives as your guide, you will know how to fight; and
of course, with your product in mind, you know the viability of
what you have to offer.

To know thy competitors, not only do you have to know their
weapons but if possible, you also have to know their plans.
The most obvious way is through continuous research; but the
more effective way is by getting hold of what they "spat" out.
These are the "exiting" or even the "disgruntled" employees.

Did I hear the word "professionalism"?
Why, did I say "steal" their magic recipe??

"You can tell a lot about a fellow's character
by the way he eats jelly beans." - Ronald Reagan

I'm sure you've heard of "laid-off", "down-sized", "offer sheet", etc..
Well, even simple yet nonintrusive job interviews could make your
imagination go to work. Think about these words from Sun Tzu...

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the
result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy,
for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know
neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

To know thy customers is to know thyself, to know thy competitors,
and say what? To know thy family.

While we can do surveys and all, why not get "honest" opinions
from your family regarding your products? You then hit two birds
with one stone.

"Seek the counsel of men who will tell you the truth about yourself,
even if it hurts you to hear it. Mere commendation will not bring the
improvement you need." - THE LAW OF SUCCESS

RESOURCES. On open ground and broad daylight, can a cane
defeat a machine gun? Without any assistance, can a ten-wheeler
reach its destination without gasoline? What is your pen for if
it can't write? If you do not know where to get wood, what is the
use of your hearth?

See, if we don't have the materials we need, how can we build?
If we don't know where and how to secure them, how can we
proceed? If we don't get enough of it, how can we successfully
penetrate the market? If we don't get it on time, how can we
satisfy customers?

"You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion
and get all kinds of press... but if you don't deliver the goods,
people will eventually catch on." - Donald Trump

In this case, whether capital or products, without understanding
the source... we can not continue operating over the long haul.

Yet, when provisions are low and supplies are scarce or steep,
these are the times when we just have to patch things up and
extend on what we have. This is the test on the Leader's resolve
and it's when creativity and resourcefulness come to play.

If you know where to fish... if you know how to fish...
if you know when to fish... and if you know what to fish,
then you will never go hungry

ATTITUDE. We are well aware of those qualities and traits a
Leader should have but more than any of those... if you do not
believe in yourself or your product, you are in for sure defeat.
The key then is not to get into something if you have doubts or
if you do not have the courage to overcome those doubts.

"The clear light of science teaches us that we must be our own
saviours, if we are to be found worth saving." - Luther Burbank

While Leadership is simply a matter of opportunity;
bear in mind that success is only for those who dare.

Think big. Believe big. Act big. And the results will be Big.

This is more than just to strike and strike; but of having that aim
of where and when to strike and not being afraid of striking hard.

To steer a company, you must understand that you are the
, therefore you should lead by example. You should
command a disposition of trustworthiness that you would stand
by your men and firmness to see the mission accomplished.

The mark of a Leader is his courage to take accountability.

"If you'll be my voice today,
I'll be yours for the next four years." - Bill Clinton

SCHEMES. Just as mentioned earlier... plan, for battles are won
on plans and not by luck alone. Think hard then... and don't be
traditional. Mind you, 3 x 3 is not the only way to get a 9!
You have heard of thinking out-of-the-box, do it; and don't be
discouraged by idea killers. Focus on goals instead.

Take note, that in order to win, you have to outwit your opponent.

"The enviably attractive nephew who sings an Irish ballad for the
company and winsomely disappears before the table-clearing
and dishwashing begin." - Lyndon B. Johnson

Hence, let your strategies be flexible and numerous. Get your
lieutenants involved in strategizing for your company as well.

"Make plans by seeking advice; if you wage war, obtain guidance."
- Proverbs 20:18

In developing your stratagem, answer the basics (NPP):
  • What must be done? What actions must be taken to reach the objective?
  • Why must it be done? Is the investment of resources justified?
  • When should it be done? Dates, time frames and deadlines should be selected and coordinated.
  • Who should do it? Appropriate personnel must be selected.
  • Where should it be done? Where will the appropriate people, materials, and equipment be located?
  • How should it be done? What are the ways and means? Can current methods be used or should new ones be developed?
Realize that greater victories come when you know
how is it to lose before you lose

"Your legacy should be that you made it better than it was
when you got it." - Lee Iacocca

The Final Four Keys... Army, Environment, Time, and Alliances... will be up next.

To Steer The Company... realize that You Are The Company.


TaoMan said...

A point you might have missed here is to keep it concise. One of the quickest ways to lose people is to bore them with too much information.

Information does not make a leader - what you do with that information might... but only might - there is much more to it than that.

Jesse Domingo said...

Thank you for this particular comment... I was actually waiting for such opportunity.

I understand the value of brevity which if you really go through my blogs is noticeable.

I would just like to restore order to the readers and leaders... THAT this blog is NOT about "culture"... BUT about Leadership.

A masterpiece that has survived time DESERVES "accolades"...
We all learnt from Sun Tzu in one way or another; and evolved to what we are today through Thought, Time and Practice.

We got to be "secure" in ourselves.

Again, thank you.

TaoMan said...

Jesse my absolute favourite definition of a leader is joel barker's - "A leader is a person you would CHOOSE to follow, to a place you wouldn't go by yourself