Friday, March 20, 2009

To Be THAT LEADER... Shape The Future.

The last piece to being “that” Leader lies in one’s ability to see…
and shape the future.

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours
to win or lose.” - Lyndon B. Johnson

Although leaders already know about this, it continues to be a
missing piece in the arsenal of many leaders.

Do you still remember the first six components on “to be that
Leader”? Well, true leadership is first and foremost for the
courageous yet humble spirit. Learn from the learned, however,
learn to listen to everyone.

“I know of no case where a man added to his dignity by
standing on it.” - Winston Churchill

It is certainly good to be ambitious but it is far better if you
achieve while playing fair.

As the final piece of the puzzle in being “that” Leader, shaping
the future could sound a bit absurd to some; after all, nobody
really knows “exactly” what will happen in the future. The key
then here is just to “trust” that little voice and go for it; again, not
in haste but with quick, thorough thought.

“Neglecting to broaden their view has kept some men
doing one thing all their lives.” -THE LAW OF SUCCESS

How do we shape the future? We hear many say by getting
ahead of change, but how exactly??

Here are the first three of Six Components to Shape The Future…

FIX YOURSELF… is simply a matter of refreshing not only the
values we learned from mom and dad, but the “focus” we were
encouraged to use.

To know what we really want and to put all our positive energies
to it. This is all about trusting your inner being, that little voice…
your intuition. For only by doing so would you be able to release
that creativity within. And as we know, “creativity” is central to
professional and business success as it creates that ripple effect.

“The only preparation for prospering in the global economy is
investing in ourselves.” - Bill Clinton

By honestly knowing yourself, you will know what to fix… what
works and what does not; and so, you will be able to realign your
goals with real time.

HOOK UP. Remember our previous discussions about alliances
and relationships? Yes, to shape the future, you need help to
clear the pathway to success. Hook up.

“It is not whether people like you but whether they share the bright
dreams… and understand the heartbeat of the country.”
- George H.W. Bush

Bridging people is initially about goals, about interests… and not
about “likeability.” Build on those as dreams and you will stand
firm on common ground. When you strengthen your allies, you
strengthen your hold on tomorrow. Realize that connecting with
the right people is crucial to shaping the future.

“A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases
strength; for waging war you need guidance and for victory
many advisers.” - Proverbs 24:5-6

SEE BEYOND. Foresight. Forecast. Foreknowledge. Foretell.
All synonymous to “predicting” on what would likely happen before
it happens. Accept it or not, intuition has a lot to do with what is
yet to come; yet why are many still skeptical about “intuition”?

”Some men see things as they are and say why? I dream things
that never were and say ‘why not?’” - Robert Kennedy

Obviously, this skepticism is blocking what many would have far
accomplished if they only learned to trust their hunches...
skepticism then is proving to be the invisible barrier towards
achievement; and unfortunately, intuition has become the unseen
key to survival in trying times.

We see many leaders not rely on intuition when they should have
specially in people management and product development.

Let me ask you…
Do you need a full-length of data just to grasp what’s bugging your
men? Do you need all those figures to know what makes ‘em tick?
Do you need a “piece of paper” just to spot and invest on talents?
Don’t you think that all you need is to fully understand the person
without bias or stereotyping?

Hence, all you should do is know what motivates them… what they
are good at… as well as their learning potentials and... how you

can maximize those abilities for the benefit of concerned entities.

See, if we have time to study our competitors and customers,
why not have time to study our people? Don’t you now realize
why leaders never really learn? Many are just too focused on
conquering without being acquainted with what they have and
“really” need… many are just misusing time, energy, and
eventually more money on what they believe is good for the
company, when it is only really good for themselves…
and their “status quo.”

People are Assets. They help oil your organization. They help
you attain goals. To know your men is to prepare for victory.
To invest on talents is to see beyond. To trust in intuition is to
shape the future. All we need now is to clean our scope.

What you want the world to be… depends on what you do now.

“Time waste differs from material waste in that there can be
no salvage.” - Henry Ford

To Shape The Future… Time and Intuition are of the Essence.

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