Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Leader In The Woods...

How will you know a potential leader? Or determine a True Leader
from a figurehead or pretender?

The average person who occupies a position of leadership exceeds
the average member of his group in the following respects:
intelligence, knowledge, dependability in exercising responsibilities,
and activity and social participation.

The qualities, characteristics, and skills required in a leader are
determined to a large extent by the demands of the situation in which
he is to function as a leader.

A True Leader knows a potential leader when he sees one. Learning
to spot talents is an important ability of a leader as like a tree bearing
fruits. Without this ability to produce leaders, a leader is incomplete.

"Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on
it except leaves. Then he said to it, 'may you never bear fruit
again!' Immediately, the tree withered." - Matthew 21:19

Then what makes a potential leader? A degree? Certainly not as
most everybody can have one given the opportunity.

On the other hand, most people accepts that leadership implies
personality. And a True Leader knows how one evolves to become
a leader being aware that it all starts from deep inside.

Here are fifteen of the most important Executive Qualities:

JUDGEMENT... is the ability to give sound judgment; it's about being
astute or shrewd.

INITIATIVE... is the power, ability, or instinct to begin or to follow
through energetically with a plan or task.

INTEGRITY... as according to Viscount Slim, it's the quality which
makes people trust you.

FORESIGHT... is the ability to foresee.

ENERGY... is vigor in action; in this aspect, it's health not age that

DRIVE... is enthusiasm, determination, perseverance, and resilience
all rolled in one.

HUMAN RELATIONS SKILL... speaks of empathy and diplomatic skills.

DECISIVENESS... is characterized by decision and firmness.

DEPENDABILITY... is about being reliable and responsible.

EMOTIONAL STABILITY... is of having self-control and self-discipline.

FAIRNESS... is being non-biased, non-discriminatory and just
in dealings.

AMBITION... more than just being goal-oriented, it's about aspiring
for greater heights.

DEDICATION... more than just being loyal, it's being hard-working.

OBJECTIVITY... is about being realistic; about understanding the
difference between true potential and fantasy.

COOPERATION... is the act of working together toward a common
end or purpose; this is the cornerstone of power.

An understanding of leadership in terms of the qualities of personality
and character which one person has to a greater degree over others
is key to recognizing potentials and talents.

“The Best Leaders are not found in flocks... just like Eagles.”

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