Monday, March 31, 2008

How Are Scapegoats Born?

For this piece, let’s dig at Stephen Covey’s International Bestseller...
7-Habits of Highly Effective People.

In this selection, he talks about Effectiveness and the Organizational PC.
For him as we agree, “Effectiveness are based on principles, they bring maximum long-term beneficial results possible. They become the basis of a person’s character, creating an empowering center of correct maps from which an individual can effectively solve problems, maximize opportunities, and continually learn and integrate other principles in an upward spiral of growth.”

“True effectiveness lies in the P/PC Balance. P stands for production of desired results, the golden eggs. PC stands for production capability, the ability or asset that produces the golden eggs.”

“This principle can be easily understood by remembering Aesop’s fable of the goose and the golden egg.”


“When people fail to respect the P/PC Balance in their use of physical assets in
organizations, they decrease organizational effectiveness and often
leave others with dying geese.

For example, a person in charge of a physical asset, such as a machine,
may be eager to make a good impression on his superiors.
Perhaps the company is in a rapid growth stage and promotions are coming fast.
So he produces at optimum levels – no downtime, no maintenance.
He runs the machine day and night. The production is phenomenal, costs are down,
and profits skyrocket. Within a short time, he’s promoted. Golden eggs!

But suppose you are his successor on the job. You inherit a very sick goose,
a machine that, by this time, is rusted and starts to break down.
You have to invest heavily in downtime and maintenance.
Costs skyrocket; profits nose-dive.
And who gets blamed for the loss of golden eggs? You do.
Your predecessor liquidated the asset, but the accounting system only reported
unit production, costs, and profit.”

Want More Value?
Let's look at this from One of TheGreatLight's Angle…
"one way" Scapegoats are Born.

Be careful of the job you pick up… you might be inheriting a dying geese.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Earth Is Yours, Too!

You, yes You, I am talking to You.
Whoever you are...
Wherever you may be...
Don't feel down, anxious, or scared.

You are sons and daughters of this planet...
making you no stranger on earth.

Hence, Be Aware of Your Rights.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 1. In this world, all persons are like brothers and sisters in a family;
so you should be kind, friendly, and polite to others.

Article 2. Your rights have nothing to do with your riches, family,
religion, sex, color, or political beliefs.

Article 3. You have the right to be alive and to stay that way.

Article 4. No one can make you a slave.

Article 5. You cannot be hurt or punished in any shameful way.

Article 6. Your rights as a person must be respected everywhere you go.

Article 7. You have the same rights as any other person has.

Article 8. If anyone takes away any of your rights,
you can go and ask the court to get it back for you.

Article 9. You cannot be arrested, put in prison,
or sent from your own town or country,
if you have not done anything against the law.

Article 10. If you are blamed for having done something against the law,
you can get a fair public trial in a fair court.

Article 11. You must be considered not guilty until you are found really at fault.
You cannot be punished for an act that was not against the law when you did it.
Nor can you be given a punishment heavier than that allowed by law when you did the act.

Article 12. No one, without good reasons allowed by law,
can open or read your mail, or enter your home without your permission.

Article 13. You are free to come and go in your country,
to leave your country, and to return.

Article 14. If you do not feel safe or are treated badly in your country,
you are free to go and live in another country. You can do this
if you have not done something wrong.

Article 15. You have the right to belong to a nation.
No one can take this away from you or stop you from being
a citizen of another country or nation if you want to do this.

Article 16. Men or women, when of age, can marry anyone they choose
and have a family. No one can be made to marry against his wish.

Article 17. You can own property by yourself or with others.
Your property cannot be taken away from you
if the government needs it for the use of all the people.

Article 18. You are free to think, to choose your own religion or to change it,
and to tell what you think of it.

Article 19. You are free to say or write anything you want,
to give and receive ideas in any way.

Article 20. You have the right to have meetings with others and
to form a society so long as you do not make trouble.
But no one can make you go to the meetings of any society or
to become its member if you do not want to.

Article 21. You have the right to vote and hold office and to share in all the good things your government does for the people. The wishes of the people shall be respected by the government.

Article 22. You have the right to live with honor and to enjoy the good things
your government gives to protect the people from hunger and sickness.

Article 23. You may look for any kind of work you can do.
You have the right to good pay, to equal pay for equal work, to good working conditions, to protection from being "laid off!" You can form or join a trade union.

Article 24. You have the right to have rest, to have fair working hours,
and every now and then to enjoy holidays with pay.

Article 25. You have the right to have good food, clothing, shelter,
medical care and pension when you are sick or too old to work.
Mothers and children should be given equal protection and special care.

Article 26. You have the right to study in free elementary schools and
to continue studying in higher schools if you can do the work.

Article 27. You may share in the enjoyment of the arts and sciences.
You may receive any gain from your writings and
from any work that you have done in the arts and sciences.

Article 28. You have the right to live in a quiet, happy world
where all these rights can be had.

Article 29. You must do your own duties to society, but in doing so,
be sure you do not step on the rights of others.

Article 30. No one, whether a person or a nation, has the right
to destroy any of the rights listed in this Declaration.

Don't be a bully or a sheep.
We belong to one race -- the Human Race.

Whether you are an Expatriate or not --
You should be treated fair. You have rights.

Leading Beyond Borders

Do you think that just because we head a Multicultural team,
we are now certified Cross-cultural leaders?

Well, only if we look at the color or origin of our people;
but in the real sense, there's so much more to it.

First, a Cross-cultural Leader realizes that the Things and Values we hold
are conditioned by the societies in which we come from.

Second, a Cross-cultural Leader realizes that Respect and Empathy builds Trust;
therefore, s/he can not love his/her own ego but s/he must demonstrate
an ability to see things from the worker's point of view.

Third, a Cross-cultural Leader realizes that Conflicts and Differences of opinion
are opportunities to explore new ideas -- leading to better understanding
and growth, instead of disorientation and discord.

Fourth, a Cross-cultural Leader realizes that s/he Can Not Just Force
his/her own way but introduce change gradually
with due consideration to one's cultural background.

Lastly, a Cross-cultural Leader realizes the importance of Communicative and
Social skills in bridging those gaps... to lead and succeed beyond borders.

So... do you really have what it takes to Lead a Multicultural Organization?

A Cross-cultural Leader is flexible and adaptable yet
decisive and goal-oriented.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

You Are The Company

Yes, you heard it right.
Now that you are the Boss,
a lot depends on You.

When you were still down there...
life seems a lot simpler, right?
You just have to man your station...
and look after yourself.

You start work at 9 and end at 5;
You could afford little mishaps without hurting the team so much;
You could leave work at the office...
and just worry about the rest the next day.
You could even be a little emotional...
also resist change for your comfort.
You could hang out with a peer more than the others.

But now, things has changed.
The Success of the Company is in Your Hands.

You got to be more responsible,
not only for your actions but for everybody else's;
You can not blame anybody for whatever mistakes but yourself.
You can not lose your head.

You have to avoid intimacy with your people;
however, be empathic yet firm.
You got to be committed to improvement.
You should be results-oriented.
You are now accountable for the fulfillment of corporate objectives.

Your people, clients, suppliers, and the community sees you
as a Pillar of Competence and Knowledge worthy of Respect.
Hence, you should think, speak, and act accordingly.

You are the Company.

Monday, March 24, 2008

What Makes A Leader?

Most everybody has an idea, we know.

But what really makes a Leader?
Is it the Position? The Connections?

If it's the Position, what made you say that?
After all, a big position is composed of many little positions put together.

What about Connections?
No doubt about the great contribution connections could make for one's career,
however, helping you get that job is simply the farthest they could take you.
The rest is up to you.

What then is a Leader all about?
A Leader is about Wisdom... about Character.

Wisdom is about one's ability to know what s/he could change
and what s/he could not change.
It's about knowing how to spot and develop potential leaders.
It's about knowing how to take his/her team to where it should be.
It's about knowing how to utilize resources and advantages optimally
towards organizational objectives.
It's about knowing how to strengthen weaknesses
and taking the company to the next level.

Character is concerned with one's emotional stability...
one's control of temperament... one's handling of criticism.
It's concerned with one's emotional strength...
one's ability to handle pressure... one's ability to think on his/her feet.
It's concerned with one's emotional maturity...
one's ability to take responsibility...
one's ability to deal with people empathically yet firmly.
It's concerned with one's focus and determined disposition.

Character and Wisdom are the roots of Achievement.